Minimalist Muscle: More Muscle In Less Time for Busy Men
Build Maximum Muscle in Minimal Time
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Minimalist Muscle
Muscle in Less Time For Busy Guys
Do you want to spend less time in the gym?
Do you want to build more muscle?
Do you want to look jacked?
Do you want to say goodbye to muscle-building programs that just don’t
Gain ten pounds of muscle in three weeks...
Add three inches to your biceps in six weeks….
99% of muscle-building programs chase empty promises. But chances are they’ll leave you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.
You wonder if you’ll ever build the muscular, and masculine body you deserve.
It’s Time to Build The Body You Want
With The time You Have
It’s time to build a powerful body.
It’s time for a workout that improves your life, rather than consuming it.
It’s time to do less, but do it better.
Most Muscle-Building Workouts Are Completely Wrong
Typical muscle-building workout are just too long.
Busy guys don’t have time for them.
And it get worse.
These workouts often seem designed for lifters who live at the gym.
Their performance may be artificially enhanced by chemical friends.
Their so-called strategy? Their so-called science?
hances are neither is right for busy men with stressful jobs and a limited time to train.
Doing these programs for months and years will leaves you frustrated, overwhelmed, and disappointed.
Sound Familiar? Even a Little Bit?

I’m Coach Eric Bach. I’ve worked with hundreds of guys. More about me later.
But right now, guess what?
I’ve found that the best programs aren’t ones with the craziest, most complicated workouts. The truth is far different.
You need workouts that improve your life.
You need workouts that are strategic and scientifically proven to get you stronger and more muscular in the gym.
You need workouts that are short and focused.
You need workouts that allow you to train quickly and efficiently and get on with your life .
You need workouts that allow you to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
"Eric Bach is the type of coach I make sure to keep an eye on in the fitness industry.
From working with the top athletes and regular folks, Eric is advancing the profession with his original and captivating articles and media. Eric is a game changer when it comes to bringing athletic development and physique enhancement together. When I look for ways to improve as a coach and new methods to use for my clients,
Eric Bach is one of the first coaches I seek out.”
John Rusin
Sports Performance Physical Therapist — Dr. John Rusin Physical Therapy
Stop wasting time.
Stop chugging magic, protein pixie dust.
Stop wasting hours in the gym.
Start building real strength and muscle.
Start feeling like a superhero.
Start enjoying your life.
Discover the Secrets Busy Guys Use To Go from Scrawny to Brawny.
With the Minimalist Muscle Course you will gain:
* All the muscle you’ve ever wanted
* The lean, athletic body you’ve always dreamed about
* The self-confidence you need to improve your life
With the Minimalist Muscle Course you will avoid:
Minimalist Muscle: The Inside Story
For nearly a decade I’ve trained pros and regular Joes. They ranged from elite athletes to executives and family men.
And guess what? They all wanted the same thing:
A workout routine that is brutally effective and helps them…
* Look great naked
* Enjoy an epic lifestyle.
Sound like you?
You want a muscular body that is also shredded..
You want a body that’s athletic, strong, and capable.
You want a body that that screams power and authority.
You want a body that is also shredded and muscular.
At the end of the day, your training must improve your life,not consume it.
Eric Bach is one the few people I'd recommend to those looking to improve both sports performance and physique enhancement. Being able to improve both without sacrificing either is an incredibly narrow ledge to walk, but Bach's clients do it with ease. He's one brightest minds in the fitness industry.
John Romaniello, New York Times Best Selling Author and Personal Trainer
About Eric Bach, The Minimalist Muscle Guy

Hi. I’m Eric Bach. I’m a personal trainer, fitness author, and former scrawny guy.
I’ve helped busy professionals focus on the essential, overcome years of frustration, and build their bodies around their busy lifestyle.
I’ve also written hundreds of articles about building muscle, improving athleticism, and maximizing efficiency in the gym. I’ve been fortunate enough to be featured in such top media outlets as CNN, Yahoo Health,, Testosterone Nation, The Huffington Post,Livestrong, and Muscle and Strength.
My passion?
Helping skinny guys build muscle.
Helping men build their best bodies.
Helping people cut through all the bullshit in the fitness industry.
Remember, you can do anything, but not everything. Building your best body is possible, but you must be selective and have the right plan.
Say goodbye overly complicated workouts that make consistent training impossible.
Say goodbye to the latest flash-in- the- pan fad workouts.
Say goodbye to confusing, impossible, unhealthy diets that leave you fat rather than jacked.
Say hello to a simple but ruthlessly effective workout.
Say hello to getting to bigger, stronger, and healthier.
Say hello to enjoying life outside the gym with your muscular, and head turning body.
Start getting the muscular, athletic body you’ve always wanted.
No more impossible diets.
No more living at the gym.
You need a program that emphasizes simplicity and is easy to follow.
You need a program that fits your busy schedule and allows you to train consistently.
You need a program that gets you stronger on big lifts.
You need a program that helps you build the powerful physique you’ve always wanted.
Most of all:
You need a program improves your life rather than consumes it.
What is Minimalist Muscle?
Minimalist Muscle is about more than your body.
It’s also about your lifestyle and mindset. Both will change. You’ll be more in control and feel better about yourself.
You’ll be done wasting time and money on programs that don’t work.
And you’ll be proud. You’ll be one of the few who has succeeded in building his best body. That’s the sort of body that others think are reserved for “genetic freaks” athletes, and actors.
The Minimalist Muscle Course gives you the tools to retake control of your body.
You will get great results no matter how busy your schedule.
Welcome to the Minimalist Muscle Course
I’ll show you:
How my no-nonsense workouts will build a lean, eye catching physique.
How to build muscle, lose fat, and look great without steroids, ridiculous genetics, or wasting your life in the gym on money on pointless supplements.
How the simple science of building your ultimate body really works
How to perform fundamental exercises with optimal technique.
How to get strong and healthy, rather than frustrated and injured.
Four customized programs in the 24 week program will build:
* Strong, bold shoulders
*Your ultimate v-tapered physique
* A chest of armor that screams power
* Strong, muscular, and eye-catching arms.
Ruthlessly simple and brutally effective, the Minimalist Muscle Course helps you cut through the fluff and clutter.
You’ll get maximum results in minimal time.
It’s time for….Minimalist Muscle: More Muscle in Less Time for Busy Guys.
We'll keep workouts simple. You'll train three to four days per week.
You’ll do less. But you’ll do it better and get stronger.
You'll have better discipline, focus, and compliance with 45-60 minute workouts than by training for 90+ minutes five or six days per week.
You’ll adopt a minimalist training perspective.
You’ll stay the simple course and reap big rewards in the gym, and have more time to enjoy your life.
Focusing on what’s really important yields lasting changes to your mind, body, and life.
No one wants to be the “ten year guy.” That’s someone who lives the same life as he did ten years ago, benching 135lbs and doing curls in the squat rack. He has the same goals, but also the same body and same frustrations.
The solution?
Set practical goals.
Take action.
And change your life.
Gaining muscle isn't complicated. It requires focused and consistent execution of the basics over time.
There are better methods than crushing your body with crazy, long-duration workouts. Short, intense workouts yield much better results if you do them right.
And that’s what the Minimalist Muscle Course is all about.
End the struggle, take action today, and finally, build your best body.
Join the Minimalist Muscle Course Today
How is this program different?
The Minimalist Muscle Course is comprehensive. Here’s what you get:
The Minimalist Muscle Workout
You’ll receive four unique workouts designed to help you gain lean muscle. The focus is on tried and true methods to help you simultaneously build strength and muscle without spending hours in the gym. More specifically, we’ll use specialized workouts during each phase to add lean muscle to your shoulders, back, arms, and chest.
The Exercise Modification Guide
No access to a power rack or stuck without a barbell? Missing equipment can be a problem, but I have you covered. I’ve included this entire eBook on exercise modifications to help you modify any program. There’s no need to completely switch gyms or break the bank for a home gym.
The Minimalist Muscle Nutrition Guide
Finally cut through the bullshit. Find out what busy-hardgainers need to do to build muscle. We’ll eliminate the confusing, helping you eat for the body you want, without completely sacrificing the foods you enjoy.
Meal Plans and How to Eat Healthy on a Budget
I get it. Eating healthy is expensive. Rather than going broke on “miracle foods,” you’ll stay eat healthy and gain muscle, without blowing through your budget.
Guidance and Accountability
The course structure of Minimalist Muscle gives you access both to other students and me, your instructor. Together, we’ll keep you accountable, answer your biggest questions, and help you build maximal muscle in minimal time.
Minimalist Muscle Bonuses
Measurement and Progress Tracking Guide
As the quote goes, without assessing you're guessing. We’ll teach you how to assess your progress to make nothing but gains in lean muscle and strength without overwhelming you. Don’t worry, we’ll make it simple.
Comprehensive Video Library
This is a highly focused collection of nearly 200 training videos and written cues for exercises so you can make pain-free progress. Trust me: these will come in handy. You’ll perform your exercises correctly to maximize results and minimize injuries.
The Four Week Power Primer
Your exclusive four-week plan to increase your power for high performance muscle and a leaner, more athletic body. If you’re a coach, you should absolutely own this to understand the science of power and how to apply it to your clients training. If you’re a fitness junkie, this could be the force multiplier to help you make massive jumps in progress and unleash your inner athlete.
The High Performance Travel Guide:
Travel can wreak havoc on your body. But, they don’t have too. Here’s our complete 70-page guide to stay jacked on the road.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course is self-paced. Meaning, if you need to wrap up a big project at work and want to wait a week or two, that’s fine. When you start and finish the program is completely up to you, we’ll be there to help you whenever you’re ready.
Do I have lifetime access?
Yes. We want you to use the course to make your training more effective--now and forever.
How much muscle will I gain in the course?
The amount of muscle you gain depends on your discipline to eat enough calories, track and improve workouts, and stay consistent for the next few months. If you complain of hard gainer syndrome and eat just 2,000 calories per day, then you’re in the wrong place. If you’re consuming ample calories and consistently getting stronger, you can expect to gain 8-15 lbs of lean muscle.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
Hey, sometimes things don’t work out. It almost never happens. But if you’re unsatisfied for any reason within the first 30 days, I’ll give you a full refund. In fact, if you're not completely happy for any reason at all, then I insist that you ask for a refund. However, after seeing so many people transform their bodies, I’m totally confident that you're going to love these workouts and see the best results of your life.
Questions? Just email [email protected]
End the struggle, take action today, and finally, build your best body.
Join the Minimalist Muscle Course Today
Your Instructor
Eric Bach,BS, CSCS, PN1 is the head of Bach Performance in Denver, Colorado. Enough third person, who talks like that?
I'm a personal trainer, presenter, and author specializing in helping men and athletes optimize their performance and simplify training.
My work has been featured in CNN, Yahoo Health, T-Nation,, Huffington Post, and
I thoroughly enjoy bourbon, barbecue, and Football...often all at once.